I'm sure it is of everyone's knowledge that this topic is rather controversial within our society; but here is why the recipes that will be posted and shared upon this website will contain no animal byproducts of any kind. If you have read our "about" page, you will know what some of our goals are for this space in which we are all sharing. One may think that the recipes on this website should consider all cultures, all cuisines etc. as one of our goals is to join together all ideologies. Veganism is not a way for us to exclude anyone from sharing within this space nor to condemn anyone for their personal, cultural, or religious choices or beliefs. Veganism is a way that this space will be used to execute our goals in a loving and compassionate manner One of our goals states that this website serves as a publication platform to spread the idea of the world being shared as a common home. Our home does not only feed and nurture us, human beings, but also the rest of our fellow beings with whom we share this planet. Therefor we support the ideology of a common home in which all beings are included. We also stand for rejecting all kinds of violence, injustice, discrimination and environmental damage. We reject the violence and injustice to other human beings, to other living beings, and to our precious planet. The consumption of animal products is damaging our planet, our health, and our souls. We are kind, compassionate and loving in nature and we will not support the teaching of violent acts and lack of compassion towards the other beings with whom we share our planet with. We invite you in this space with our arms wide open no matter where you come from, what your culture is, or what you eat. It is of little importance to us. What is important to us is the message we are spreading and sharing with you from a place of deep love and compassion no matter what the effect of it may have on your individual lives. These recipes have been created directly from our home but many others will be shared from different sources and we hope you enjoy them!